
A.A. Jansson

  • Waterford , MI    United States
Email address
Office address
Waterford, MI
United States
Phone number
+1 (248) 674-4811
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A.A. Jansson, Inc.'s metrology standards and precision equipment calibration services have been providing customers with complete confidence in instrument and equipment accuracy for more than 50 years. With our company’s deep understanding of measurement technologies dating back to our beginnings in the late 1800’s.

Measurement and test equipment accuracy is critical to the quality of your production and regular precision calibrations are essential to ensure ongoing reliability. Our calibrations are NIST traceable and customizable to client-specific demands. We also offer rapid 5-day turnarounds and onsite calibration services to help you avoid unscheduled downtime or quality issues.

A.A. Jansson’s Laboratory is accredited in accordance with recognized International Standard ISO/IEC17025:2005. We also meet the requirements of ANSI/NCSL Z540.

Contact us today to learn more about our A2LA accredited calibration services.

Contact: A.A. Jansson at +1 (248) 674-4811

About A.A. Jansson

Calibration Capabiities:
